1977 "The Green Book by Moammar Gaddafi" three stamps in strip. Text printed in green color on the back gummed side. The design also includes mention to the People's Authority Declaration and the Fort of Sebha in the south of Libya (place of the declaration on 2.3.1977). Info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Green_Book_(Muammar_Gaddafi) NOTE: both Michel and Scott catalogues ignore the correct date of this issue and other issues of Libya (Michel just wrongly indicates "December 1977" for this issue). EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum
1983 "Battle of Abughelan" Battles of the Libyan People against the Italian occupying forces in the period 1911-1940. This period of the history of Libya was commemorated years later (period '80s/'90s) by the Libyan Posts. Several stamps issues were dedicated to the "Battles of Libya", to the "Deported Libyans to Italy", to the story of Omar Mukhtar, Libyan national hero, and to the Libyan Martyrs Day. Our special YouTube video "Battles of Libya through stamps": https://youtu.be/DhcvWhZ5Fyc EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum
NEW LIBYA FLAG STAMPS and BANKNOTE on FDC 2013 (May 27th) "17th of February Revolution", 2 high-values stamps, 5 and 10 Libyan Dinars + 2013 New Banknote 1 Libyan Dinar (UNC uncirculated). This is the most popular banknote in Libya. Subject shows the new flag of Libya and images of the 17FEB2011 Revolution. EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum PRIVATE PURCHASE welcome: please ask for more information Follow in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Libyan.Stamps
STAMP and BANKNOTE on FDC 2009 (September 9th) "Moammar Gaddafi Founder and Chairman of the African Union" 1 self-adhesive stamp (the first self-adhesive stamp of Libya) with gold foil application and embossing + 2004 Banknote 1 Libyan Dinar (UNC uncirculated), [recto] Official portrait of Moammar Gaddafi, [verso] Mawlay Mohammed Mosque in Tripoli EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum PRIVATE PURCHASE welcome: please ask for more information Follow in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Libyan.Stamps