1933 "Zeppelin Cruise" airmail stamp for use in Tripolitania (western part of the Italian Colony of Libya at that time). Stamp shows detail of Guido Reni (Italian painter, 1575-1642) masterpiece "Aurora", fresco in Pallavicini-Rospigliosi Palace in Rome. More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_Reni
1985 "Entrances of Libyan Mosques" issue with set of five stamps in strip and five postcards postal-stationery. In our picture: Zauiet Abdussalam El-Asmar in Zliten (front and back side). More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zliten
1938 "12th Tripoli Fair", stamp showing Lungomare Mussolini in Benghazi. Old Italian postcard. More information about Benghazi in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benghazi
1956 "Centenary of Death of Imam Essayed Mohamed Aly El Senoussi" The oasis is located in the eastern part of Libya (Cyrenaica), close to the border with Egypt. The oasis was the headquarters of the Senussi Movement, Muslim political-religious Sufi order and tribe, founded by the Imam in 1837. The Imam was the grandfather of Idris I, king of Libya in 1956. More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaghbub,_Libya
This official album was released by the Libya Postal Administration in 1997 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the People's Authority Declaration by Colonel Gaddafi. The album was put on sale in the main postal offices of Libya. It included different issues concerning the People's Authority Declaration and Gaddafi's Green Book, and the special 1997 souvenir-sheet with high face-value of 10'000 dirhams, 10 Libyan Dinars (present catalogue quotation around euro 85,00). Total catalogue value of stamps around EURO 192,00.