"Wedding of Prince Umberto of Savoy with Marie José of Belgium" in Rome, 8 January 1930. 1930 stamp of Italy with changed color overprinted for use in Tripolitania (western region of the Italian Colony of Libya) the same year. The same stamp exists overprinted for use in Cyrenaica (eastern region of the Italian Colony of Libya). More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umberto_II_of_Italy
2 April 2014 "Tripoli Internation Fair" minisheet issue with six stamps In our graphics: minisheet and special FDC First Day of Issue Cover Four stamps show Libyan traditional meals: Bazin with Meat, Bazin with Fish, Kouskous with Meat, Kouskous with Fish
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. More information about Earth Day in: http://www.earthday.org/ 1984 Libya stamps "9th World Congress of Forest"
More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya 1988 minisheet issue with 9 stamps. Same subjects are also present on 9 postcards postal-stationery with pre-printed stamps. Subjects of stamps show aspects of public and private/family life of Colonel Gaddafi, before and after American bombing on April 15th, 1986. Interesting issue for CHESS stamps collectors as one of the stamps shows Colonel Gaddafi playing CHESS with his eldest son Mohammed.
World Health Day is celebrated on 7 April every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of WHO World Health Organization in 1948. More information in: http://www.who.int/campaigns/world-health-day/2014/event/en/ Our graphic shows the most part of Libya World Health Day and WHO World Health Organization stamps issues since 1962. There are other Libya stamps issues related to "health"; you can find them in our online stores using the search-word "health". ★ EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center ★ DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum