1951, December 24: Independent Kingdom of Libya, issue for Cyrenaica. 1950 stamps of Cyrenaica Autonomous Administration overprinted LIBYA in Arabic and English, to be used in the territory of Cyrenaica (eastern region of Libya). Same stamps with different overprintings were made for use in Tripolitania (northwestern region) and Fezzan (southern region). In our picture: 5 mills, 10 mills and 12 mills in blocs of four stamps with INVERTED OVERPRINTING. According to Sassone Specialized Catalogue, 50 pieces are known in the world of the 5 mills and 100 pieces each of the 10 and 12 mills. [from our private collection] Our Facebook post 27.10.2013
In 1949, Idris as-Senussi, with British backing, proclaimed Cyrenaica (the eastern part of Libya) as an independent emirate called the Emirate of Cyrenaica. This emirate soon became part of the Kingdom of Libya when it was established and an independent kingdom on 24 December 1951, with Idris as-Senussi becoming King Idris I. On 16 January 1950, a set of 13 stamps was issued for use in Cyrenaica. Stamps were printed by Waterlow & Sons UK with copperplate engraving process (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterlow_and_Sons). The engraving is extremely thin; the size of this 100mills stamp is mm.30x35 ! Expert passionate philatelists call this beautiful set "Cavallino". Our Facebook post 27.10.2013
[from top left; items are not in scale in the image] #1 2009 "Gaddafi Leader of the African Union" / #2 2010 "33rd Anniversary of the People's Authority Declaration" / #3 2010 "Arab League Summit in Sirt/Libya" / #4 2010 "AlFateh Revolution Through 40 Years" / #5 2010 "41st Anniversary of the First of September 1969 Revolution" / #6 2013 "Definitive Set" two high-value stamps [technical characteristics] #1 #2 #3 self-adhesive stamps with gold foil application / #4 large size minisheet mm.295x295 with 40 different self-adhesive stamps with green and gold foils applications / #5 perforated stamps on gummed paper with gold foil application / #6 self-adhesive stamps with gold foil application and embossing Our Facebook post 26.10.2013
"Centenary of U.P.U. Universal Postal Union in 1974" 1977 souvenir-sheet issue. [souvenir-sheet] Yellow VW Beetle with the emblem of the Libyan Posts and Telecommunications Company - [left up] Road billboard (Tripoli Green Square July 2010) showing a painting with young Moammar Gaddafi driving his blue VW Beetle - [left down] The original Gaddafi's VW Beetle at the Jamahiriya Museum in Tripoli some years ago
Subject of stamp (1983 issue): "Nilpferdjagd", 1615/1616, Alte Pinakothek Munich/Germany - Picture: Self-Portrait, 1623, National Gallery Canberra/Australia. More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubens
2500 dirhams high-value stamp from 1 January 1986 "Gaddafi" definitive set. Set with 12 stamps WITHDRAWN FROM CIRCULATION the same day of the issue due to an error in the design (Star of David, symbol of Israel, on the right shoulder of Colonel Gaddafi). More information about this issue in our YouTube video: http://youtu.be/4eEdI2SAKOE Our Facebook post 20.10.2013
1970 "Inauguration of UPU Headquarters in Bern/Switzerland", 3 stamps on FDC - 1974 "Centenary of UPU 1874-1974", 2 stamps - 1977 "Centenary of UPU in 1974", 3 stamps and souvenir-sheet - 2002 "125th Anniversary of UPU in 1999", 2 stamps - 2013 "139th Anniversary of UPU 1874-2013", 1 stamp (date of issue October 9th, same as UPU establishment date). Note: UPU logo is also present in 1976 "Graham Bell - Telephone" issue, celebrating the 25th anniversary of UNPA United Nations Postal Administration (not included in our graphics). More information about U.P.U. in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Postal_Union Our Facebook post 19.10.2013
The idea for this post comes from the recent and controversial military action of U.S. Army's Delta Force on Libyan soil. More information in: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/06/world/africa/us-forces-africa-terrorist-raids/index.html [stamp] Self-adhesive stamp from the 2010 large-size luxury sheet with forty different stamps with gold and green metal foils application: "AlFateh Revolution Through Forty Years". The forty stamps show the highlights of Gaddafi's rule in Libya 1969-2010. Watch our special YouTube video: http://youtu.be/2B2Mjmhb0BQ (this stamp is at 0:41) Our Facebook post 14.10.2013
12.10.1492 Christopher Columbus and his crew land in the Americas/Bahamas. "Columbus Day" USA national holiday will be on Monday 14th (annually on the second Monday of October). More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbus_Day [stamps] 1993 stamps from a beautiful minisheet with 16 stamps about ancient and modern ships. Subjects of stamps are two caravels of Columbus expedition. Our Facebook post 12.10.2013
Hajj is considered one of the largest yearly pilgrimages in the world. It is an Islamic pilgrimage in adherence to one of the five pillars of Islam, which requires all able bodied Muslim to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her life. Hajj 2013 is expected to fall between October 13-18. More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajj [stamps] 1985 stamps celebrating the pilgrimage to Mecca of Moammar Gaddafi. Our Facebook post 11.10.2013
Subject of stamp (1983 issue): Mandolina and Flowers, 1883 Picture: Self-Portrait dedicated to Vincent van Gogh, 'Les Misérables ' (Autoportrait avec portrait de Bernard, 'Les Misérables'), 1888 More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Gauguin Our Facebook post 08.10.2013
Date of issue: 16 September 2013 (to be confirmed, as 16 September was a national holiday in Libya). 2 stamps, 750 and 1000 dirhams. 750dh stamp shows the picture of Omar Mukhtar, Libyan National Hero, who was killed by the Italians on 16 September 1931. See post on 16 September 2013. Our Facebook post 02.10.2013