We had a look to the Libya section in the 2014 edition of Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, volume 4, Countries of the World J-M. Many important and valuable issues are missing !!! These "ghost" issues are available in our Delcampe and eBay online stores. The full range of our items (more than 2000 !) is listed in the DELCAMPE store. All items are also available with PRIVATE PURCHASE (for those not registered in Delcampe nor eBay). DELCAMPE: http://www.delcampe.net/stores/philatelicum EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/libyan-philatelic-center Our Facebook post 21.09.2013
Relaxing Friday to all our friends ! 1984 "Tripoli International Fair" issue showing tea served in various settings in Libya. Our Facebook post 20.09.2013
In our graphics: 1980 souvenir-sheet "Martyrdom of Omar Mukhtar"; 1993 issue "In the Memory of the Deported Libyans to Italy" (Three stamps from minisheet with 16 stamps, showing the capture, trial and execution by hanging of Omar Mukhtar in 1931, at the age of 73 !!! The same subjects are present in 1996 and 1997 "Deported Libyans" minisheets) More information about his life in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Mukhtar Watch our special YouTube philatelic video with "Omar Mukhtar" song: http://youtu.be/EXYKcSd83jg Our Facebook post 31.12.2013
[top] two stamps from the 1981 issue "12th Anniversary of First of September Revolution" [below] souvenir-sheet from the 1983 issue "14th Anniversary of First of September Revolution" Our Facebook post 15.09.2013
Postal stamps issued during the Italian colonial period in Libya. 1921 and following, "Pictorial Set" ("Serie Pittorica"). The subject is the bow with rostrum of a "galea" (or "galera") an ancient Roman warship. More information in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_navy Symbolic design with the skyline of the old city of Tripoli in the background. The frame of the stamps shows islamic decorations from the atrium of Gurgi Mosque in Tripoli. Stamp designer: Paolo Paschetto Suggested reading: "Libia, la Serie Pittorica" by Michele Picardi [Poste Italiane 1993] Our Facebook post 05.09.2013